Money Monday: How to Curb Impulsive Spending
Move away from the “add to your cart” button! In this week’s Money Monday we’re talking about impulse spending, something we are all familiar with during the times of quarantine. It’s so easy to click “purchase” on an item you like, especially with the ability to access a shop website in a matter of seconds. We’re all guilty of buying items we either never use or use a few times and then completely forget about. We’re giving you three easy ways to curb your impulsive spending that will help maintain a healthy budget!
Limit Your Inbox
Check your inbox at any moment and you probably have at least 10 new emails from retail stores trying to sell you their latest product. These daily email updates from retail stores are essentially targeted ads, so do yourself a favor and unsubscribe. Especially from the stores that you have impulse bought from an email in the past. Not only will this downsize your inbox, but it will also keep the temptation away.
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Get Creative
If you’re prone to impulse buying, try and distract yourself by picking up new hobbies or revisiting old ones. Finally read that book that has been sitting on your bookshelf for months or try out a new cookie recipe you found on Pinterest. If you’re keeping yourself busy then you are less likely to browse your devices out of boredom and be triggered to shop.
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Close Those Tabs
The easiest way to avoid making impulse purchases? Close those tabs. We’re all guilty of “just browsing,” but end up hitting purchase at the end of the day. Instead walk away from the computer and give yourself the room to think over your potential purchase. Chances are you’ll decide you don’t need it or forget about it altogether!
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Share this with someone who is looking to curb their spending in 2021 and check out our blog for other financial tips!
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